Create a Playful, Soul-Led,Ā 

Freedom-Filled Business


ā€¦ When You Use the Powerful Combination of
Business Strategy + Mindset Work + Play to Gain More Confidence, Achieve Your BIG Goals, and Advance Your Business Within a Community of Like-Minded Entrepreneurs


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Hi! Iā€™m Kara

Play and Mindset Coach, Chief Fun Officer, chocolate chip cookie monster, hip-hop dancer, former perfectionist, and Founder of The Playful Warrior.

If you had told me 4 years ago that Iā€™d be talking on television, working from different countries, helping thousands of people, and that Iā€™d do it all by crafting my own successful career as a Play Coach, basically out of thin airā€¦Ā Ā 

šŸ˜‚Ā I wouldā€™ve dropped to the floor and snorted out loud!Ā 

Like you, I was a huge perfectionist back then. I cared *a lot* about what people thought of me, being validated by others, and doing everything ā€œperfectlyā€.Ā 

After leaving a 10-year long career in Public Relations, I had this inner calling to become a coach. But when I first started my business, my perfectionism was keeping me stuck.

I was constantly listening to different podcasts, taking notes, reading books, and was SUPER busy procrasti-working (AKA procrastinating from fear of discomfort) to avoid doing the things that would actually build momentum.

It wasnā€™t until I got certified as a Mindset Coach and discovered PLAY that everything changed for me. It allowed me to let go of my fear of not doing everything perfectly, and to just show up asā€¦ me.

This openness to take action, combined with my expert background in PR and some good olā€™ fashioned hard work, allowed me to achieve success, fast.

For me, thatā€™s looked like:


>> Regularly appearing on major TV networks like The Morning Show, Global News, and Breakfast TelevisionĀ 

>> Working with major corporations like Starbucks, NestlƩ, and Google

>> Having FUN with my business and in my day-to-day lifeĀ 

>> Traveling to other countries while I support my students inside my programs

>> Making a sustainable, cushy living for myself that supports my overall well-being

And now? Iā€™m here to teach you the exact business strategies, mindset work, and play practices I used (and continue to use today!) to get here, so YOU can create a wildly successful business, whatever that looks like for you.

See What Other Warriors Are Sayingā€¦

Shelly Reed,

Somatic Practitioner + Stress Release Specialist

ā€œI overcame my fears of showing up online by creating a business Instagram, and I made huge progress in getting my business off the ground as I committed to taking messy, imperfect action.ā€

Before working with Kara, I was trying to start a business, but struggling with patterns of perfectionism that fueled procrastination. I knew I wanted to lighten up my approach, incorporate more play into my life, develop more self-trust and learn to work with my fear of judgment.

The group exceeded my expectations with so many fun, creative ways to play, an amazing group of humans to play with, and excellent coaching from Kara. I honestly I can't believe how much I've changed, learned, and grown!

I also found playing in community to be incredibly healing. I now feel more creative, confident, and brave. I'm in awe of Kara's wisdom, compassion, and playful nature and would highly recommend this program.

ā€“ Megan Windhorst,

Intuition Coach

ā€œIt has helped me heal and break self-sabotaging patterns faster than anything else Iā€™ve ever tried. I feel so much more confident, empowered and more in control of my healing, now more than ever.ā€

Before working with Kara, I was consistently frustrated with myself and how judgemental I was. I couldnā€™t shake my perfectionist tendencies. I was also frustrated at how hard it was for me to be playful in front of people, and just be my true self without caring what others think.Ā 

Enter Kara. This was exactly what the little girl in me had been craving. I now feel SO much more confident! Kara has helped me connect to a part of myself that I had abandoned and forgotten about. I have learned to be gentle with myself and actually feel my feelings and begin to release them. That is HUGE for me! I can comfort myself in a way that Iā€™ve never been able to before.

I HIGHLY recommend Kara as a coach! She is an amazing human and not only is she living her purpose so powerfully, she is someone that helps you feel seen, heard, and held. Her empathy has been very important for me in this journey ā€“ allowing me to open up easier and go deeper in my healing.

Ā Sarah Richardson,

Life Coach, Fiction Author & Poet

ā€œI feel like a new woman. Her coaching has truly changed my business and life. Since working with Kara, Iā€™m so much more playful, lighter, sillier, happier, and things are so much more fun and easy since I donā€™t get lost in perfectionism and overthinking.ā€

Kara is a phenomenal coach and such a bright, amazing light!!! She helped me heal perfectionism tendencies, people-pleasing, comparisonitis, and letting go of what people think.

Having this playful mindset feels SO freeing and empowering. I also feel so empowered and confident in myself and have achieved big goals that I wouldnā€™t have believed I could have before working with her, and did so with much more fun and ease.

ā€“ Marti Marsh,Ā 

Occupational TherapistĀ 

ā€œIt is the best investment I've made on myself, because it helped me truly find myself.ā€

I felt so safe during this program,Ā which is something that has been hard for me to find in the past.Ā This safety allowed me to open up, be free, learn more about myself, take up space, hear myself, and have fun!! I played like I've never played before!

The mindset coaching videos that Kara created throughout the program are incredible. They went above and beyond, they were so thorough, filled with endless healing tools. Some of my favorites were learning how toĀ rewire the subconscious mind, inner child meditations, inner critic journaling, goal setting, TIME techniques, EFT tapping, nervous system regulation, manifesting, hypnosis, boundaries, and so much play.Ā 

I couldn't recommend Kara's program more!! It is the best investment I've made on myself because it helped me truly find myself.

Which is why Iā€™m bust-a-move excited to introduce you toā€¦

*breaks into hip-hop dance*


The only 12-week group program for entrepreneurs thatā€™s designed to help you create a playful, freedom-filled business while letting go of perfectionism, so you can have more confidence, achieve your BIG goals, and advance your business using the powerful combination ofā€¦Ā 


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Your Time on the Playground Will Help You:


šŸŒŸ Achieve your big hairy business goals in a healthy and playful way

Ā Unlearn perfectionism and replace it with healthy achievement ā€“ where youā€™re able to actively work towards your greatest goals while *also* taking care of your well-being and avoiding burnout

šŸŒŸ Learn proven strategies to build authority, attract clients, and grow your biz

Ā Receive expert Public Relations (PR) coaching from an industry leader (thatā€™s meeee!) to land huge growth opportunities within your industry, like guest speaking on your favorite podcast or morning TV show (oh boy!)

šŸŒŸ Lay the key foundations for a wildly successful and sustainable business

Ā Learn how to set up a thriving business from A-Z, from logistics, like protecting your business and managing finances, to creating winning online marketing strategies, like your lead-magnet and social media presence

šŸŒŸ Get accountability + support from the most wonderful group of business playmatesĀ 

Ā Connect and PLAY with a loving community of entrepreneurs who are navigating similar hurdles. These humans are in your corner to bounce your burning ideas off and encourage you to take imperfect action (yep, even before you feel ready!)

šŸŒŸ Feel more confidence,Ā  freedom, creativity, and FUN in your workĀ 

Ā Experience LESS imposter syndrome, overthinking & stressā€¦ and MORE confidence, ease &Ā  joy when you rewire your subconscious mind and learn neuroscience-backed mindset tools to hush your Inner CriticĀ 

Have a Question?Ā 

Iā€™ve Got Your Answer!

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