In this FREE Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping, you’ll learn to:

➔ Release your perfectionistic tendencies so you can stop overthinking and free yourself of overwhelm in minutes.

➔ Take imperfect action so you can finally get through that to-do list without being caught up in getting it done a “certain way”.

➔ Quiet your Inner Critic and negative self-talk so you can invite a sense of PLAY and JOY into your day.

➔ Stop filtering yourself so you can show up exactly as you are with confidence: imperfectly & beautifully you


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You’re a curious one, I like you!

EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques, is loosely based on the techniques of acupuncture or acupressure. It uses the same basic energy meridians in the body to balance the body’s energy system so it can resume its natural healing abilities. It is safe and non-invasive.

Tapping is a great way to rebalance our energy by releasing negative emotions so we can connect to a state of flow, joy, excitement and abundance. From there, we can manifest incredible opportunities into our life and embrace play!

Get The Tapping In Your Inbox!

If you don’t get it in a few minutes, be sure to check your spam folder and mark ‘[email protected]’ as a safe sender!

See What People Are Saying


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Listen to Tisha's experience (of BEautifully Unwinding Podcast) with using this FREE tapping resource above.

You can hear the rest of their juicy conversation on Tisha’s experience, as well as all things play and inner child healing HERE.

A Lil’ Letter From Yours Truly

Hi sweet warrior! 

Gosh, you are a-m-a-z-i-n-g! 

You’re so kind, ambitious and intelligent. You’ve been through so much. You truly are a warrior.

And it’s beautiful that you desire to show up as your most authentic self….but there’s some pesky critters getting in the way.

Perfectionism. People-pleasing. Seeking approval…They always leave you feeling a pinch unworthy. These critters leave you feeling tired, overwhelmed and stressed.

If you’re being honest with yourself, you’re not really having fun in your day to day.

And you’re OVER it.

You’re over the hustle culture and taking life so seriously. You’re over measuring your worth by how much you produce and the constant negative self-talk.

You’re ready to live life with a sense of ease.  You crave a life that feels lighter, and much more joyful, connected to your inner child.

This FREE training will help you do just that ♥︎ EFT Tapping was integral to helping me let go of my perfectionism, and I know it’ll do the same for you!

You deserve a life that lights you up, and it’s oh so possible for you ♥︎
